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Resume page one

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Working knowledge

At the end of 2017 I've started the free courses in Android development organized by the NGO DevAcademy.

Curent projects:
-Creating a weather aplication based on AccuWeather. This will cover the esential parts of any android application development such as networking, database, shared preferences, layouts, in app navigation.

Teachers: Bogdan Mihai , Eduard Vasilache

Team mate: Roxana Pal

• Main programing area

I've learned about windows form aplications using visual basic in my first year of colleague and afterwards continued with c# in my second year.
I've chosed C# for my bachelor's degree aplication.

Knowledge gained:
-Using UserControl for reusability and fluidity.
-Interacting with text, word, excel documents, input and output.
-Interacting with databases ( Microsoft Acces databases and MariaDB ).

I've learned about databases in my second year of colleague. I found that class to be a quiete enjoible and I've leaned about:
-Primary key
-External keys

I've leanrned about wi-fi penetration testing using online tutorials.
Known methodologies:
-Wps cracking
-Using dictonaries with more than 1 billion password.
-Using Fluxion , a "social-engineering research tool".
-Generating password combination , such as 8 digits pin ( usual default password for routers).
-Blocking access to certain users with a Android smartphone which is connected to the network.

I've played with computers insted of toys when I was a child. Emoji smile with sunglasses

-Component swapping(RAM, hard-drive, CPU, GPU, Power source .
-Battery replacemnt, 1860 battery cell change.
-Thermal paste change for PC and laptops.

-Gaining root acces using free tools from the xda-developers formus.
-Using a Windows software or an Android aplication to recover data.
-Placing userdata (text messages, whatsapp data ..etc) from an old phone to another.
-Factory reset to a phone with lost PIN/password... etc.

-I've used Microsoft office among the years in various scenarios such as presentation, data reading and outputting from Excel files,

-Presentation website, like this one.
-Some knowledge about php, login forms, basic forms..etc.
-Usable knowledge about website hosting, domain, CDN such as CloudFlare.

Basic knowledge

I've used C++ mainly for solving math problems in high-school.
I will add soon a reference to a post explaining all of those.

-Basic understanding and utilization over the years.

-The most important projects made in java are two sets of problems required for the DevAcademy Android courses mentioned in Android development.

Main aplication:
Java code

Java code

Beginer level for both
-Adobe ilustrator:I've used to create/modifiy some elements of this website.
-Photoshop: I'am learning right now in school and for modifying the images available on this website to be progressive and optimized for web usage (compressed)

I've learned about working with git hosted projects at DevAcademy
-Prefered program SourceTree


Work Experience


Betwen 25.06.2016-20/09.2016 I've worked at AtoZ Electronics shop in Malta with an Erasmus scolarship. My main duties consisted in creating labels, helping the customers and product assembly.

For me this was my first official job where I've improved my english skils, the importance of a team and to request help whenever I consider is neccesary.

• Manager: Noel Sammut

• Memories:

Betwen 22.05.2017 and 08.06.2017 I attended at the mandatory specialty practice required to finsh my second year in colleague.
I've chosed Sistec/IT SERVICE CENTER SRL because it's a Romanian company and a room mate its working there.
In those two weeks two programmers that work there showed us what are their main tasks and how to build a small Xamarin app

Reference document


I lived in small city all my life and chosing the right colleague was literally a decizion that changed my life.
The Romanian American University was my third option when I applied to the major Universities in Bucharest but in the end it was the only one in wich I was accepted.
-The most important programming language that I've learned in colleague is C#. Now for me this is may main programing language that I'am confortable working with it and in wich my degree aplication is coded on.
• Memories:

I've chosen the Department of Mathematics and Computer Science because since I was a child I liked computers in general and I was the child on the street wich knew how to install a Windows and to troubleshoot all sort of problems related.

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Social media

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