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At the begining of my first year in collague I was offered the chance to participate at a contest in wich the best five articles wrote about and aplication that wold help a university to promote itself.
I was one of those five contestants that won a scolarship worth aprox. 300 USD.
My article was about how a University can present their self using a 360 degree view over the building clasess and intercative presentations.
“Can we stop causing death by Power point and give student’s a digital Virtual Reality experience instead?”
Original article

In my second year of collague, second semester I've participated at an extracurricular course Digital Marketing.
During the course the participants had to form several teams and to do a Digital Marketing Analysis of a given company.At the end of the class a representand of the company will speek with the team and analyze their project.
My company was ITC Net , an Internet services provider.
ITC Net Analysis

Personal projects

I've gained the ideea from my first Erasmus experience in Malta at an Electronics shop. A lot of things that could be done automaticaly ( stoc managemant, repports) were made by hand or via Microsoft excel. After that experience I've gained the confidence that I can do such an aplication so I've chosed to do that in my Bachelor’s degree project aplication.
My solution consist in a Windows form aplication done in C# using a database( MariaDb) hosted on a NAS.

More information available in the about section

Scientific Session projects

Small presentation about how oil formed, why is it spread around the world, creation of OPEC and some key aspects of his influence in Romania.
Original presentation

How oil and gas formed

Presentation about some parts of the economic system in Great Britain such as unemployment rate, public debt evolution over 20 years
Original presentation

A visual basic program for reading 2 collums of data and doing some statistical calculations such as
Average value.
Average square deviation.
Place of the median.
Source code

A presentation about some key elements that affect inflation in Romania, evolution over a 10 year period and the evolution of the interest rate over savings account.

This program read's a string of numbers and the user can sort into different groups of numbers, such as even numbers only or odd numbers
The program has some predifined operations ( like a calculator):
Operation with sets

Partener: Cherieliuc Carolina Georgiana

Workshops & extra classes

In this class i've learned some basic knowledge about:
-Apache Cordova
-Ionic framework.

A project in wich I've learned about the basic things that you should do in case of emergency and to do some first aid.

I've did this extra class in my first year of college and I've learned about some basic things about it.

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